how it works backgroundhow it works background

How does it work?


Create an account

Fill in the form and register. Creating an account will allow you to submit designs that have a chance of being featured on our clothes and take part in the many competitions we organize.


Propose a price for your artwork

We appreciate talent and out-of-the-box thinking, but the basis of any of our collaborations is, above all, clear rules. Fill in the suggested amount of money you will receive if your artwork is selected for our collection.


Provide dimensions

Enter the title of the artwork and the subject in your application, completing the keywords or selecting them from a list.  Don't forget to add the exact dimensions of the original artwork for 300 dpi quality.


Confirm your request

Confirm and send your request. From this point, your work is in our Art Bank. We systematically contact the selected authors and ensure that the projects are only available to us. We will not use the graphics without establishing an official collaboration.

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to register before adding my artwork?

Yes, you need to register before adding works.

How long will my artwork stay in the Art Bank?

Your artwork will remain in the Art Bank as long as it is not removed - this may happen if the content of the image violates the rules, or the law - or if the artist informs us that they wish to remove their work from the Art Bank.

What are the quality and file format requirements?

Files should be at least 300 dpi.

What are the requirements for the technique used to create the artworks?

The technique is free.

Can I use new technologies (Artificial Intelligence) or similar tools to create my graphic works?

No, we will not use the work created by AI.

Is my pricing for the artwork final?

You can change your pricing for the artwork at any stage of your collaboration with us.

How long does the process of reviewing and approving graphics take?

There are no time limits here - we can get back to you at any time, even after a long time.

What is the copyright and licensing issue for my artwork?

We sign contracts with each artist we work with, the details of which we set individually.

Will I receive reviews or feedback on my work from Medicine?

We do not send our opinions or reviews of the artwork posted in the Art Bank.

Can I negotiate the price and other terms and conditions?


Who will have access to my personal and banking data?

Only those directly responsible for contact and contracts with artists will have access to your data.

Can I participate in competitions organized by Medicine after my works have been exhibited?


Can I include artwork that has been used for other commercial purposes in the Art Bank?

Only if you still have rights to them and they are not subject to any restrictions.

No ongoing competitions

Here you can find out about the current graphic design competitions organised by Medicine. We will be announcing details of a new competition soon!


E-mail address
[email protected]
Contact form

We will attempt to respond to your message within 48 hours (working days)

E-mail address
I agree to the processing of my personal data for the operation of the Art Bank. I have been informed of the right to correct, update, revise or delete the data I provided in the registration form to the Art Bank platform *
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Your artwork can be featured on our clothing!

Create an account in a few simple steps and share your creativity.

Join the Art Bank